Will Neil Patrick Put on a Show at the Tonys? Plus Dr. Horrible and Kumar Sequel Scoop
Monday, June 8, 2009

Neil Patrick Harris fans hoping to see their fave be a cut-up as host of Sunday's Tony Awards (airing at 8 pm/ET, on CBS) will probably get some satisfaction. But those wanting to see the How I Met Your Mother star cut a rug or break out into song might come up empty.
"They have an opening planned that is bigger than they have ever had in Tony history. But I don't think I'm going to be involved in it," Harris shared in a press conference call.
Instead, Harris says he will take a cue from Hugh Jackman ...
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Will Neil Patrick Put on a Show at the Tonys? Plus Dr. Horrible and Kumar Sequel Scoop
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Will Neil Patrick Put on a Show at the Tonys? Plus Dr. Horrible and Kumar Sequel Scoop
[Source: Wb News]
Will Neil Patrick Put on a Show at the Tonys? Plus Dr. Horrible and Kumar Sequel Scoop
[Source: Abc 7 News]
Will Neil Patrick Put on a Show at the Tonys? Plus Dr. Horrible and Kumar Sequel Scoop
[Source: Daily News]
posted by tgazw @ 11:36 PM,
Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!

I haven't a clue what any of this means. Is one engaged in "economic activities" if, by and large, no money is changing hands? If there is no intention of making a profit; no advertising; and limited fees for those posting ads? (Small fees were first introduced as a way of preventing double posting of real estate listings from spamming New York brokers). So why is Wal-Mart (a company I defended here) not "libertarian," while Craigslist, which is run by the left-liberal Craig Newmark and basically provides its services for free, is? It is unclear how Jim Buckmaster's non-strategy strategy counts as sinister and free market, but YoungSmith adds this bit of clarification:While Wal-Mart is bent on maximizing returns for its shareholders--an appropriate goal, for a corporation--Craigslist is not. Instead, [Big Money's Mark] Gimein explains, Craigslist doesn't even try to profit from its economic activities, because its owners are devoted to a form of libertarian ideology:
For all the stories written about Craigslist and the profiles of its founder, the company can still baffle anybody trying to make sense of it. A telling episode was the performance of Jim Buckmaster, the CEO who runs Craigslist day to day, at an investor conference where he was asked to explain the company's strategy for maximizing revenue. Buckmaster answered that it didn't have one... or want one because that wasn't the point.
[Ellipses in the original.]
Instead of profits, Gimein shows, Craigslist's owners manage the organization in the service of an idea.Shorter YoungSmith: A business that facilitates yardsale-like transactions, that eases the process of unloading your excess junk on neighborhood hoarders, is working in service of a libertarian idea. And by destroying a key newspaper revenue stream, those Craigslist libertarians are, in turn, destroying those who valiantly defend democracy at the Los Angeles Times, Rocky Mountain News, and Lowell Sun. Or something.A lesson that it was hard for [me] to learn," [founder Craig] Newmark told Charlie Rose, "was that people are good and trustworthy and moderate." Craigslist is Newmark's vote of confidence in that lesson. ... Bad things don't come from what two individuals decide to do together. They come from the institutions that stand between them.
Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!
[Source: Murder News]
Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!
[Source: Cnn News]
Craigslist: Libertarian Newspaper Slayer!
[Source: October News]
posted by tgazw @ 11:35 PM,
Star power

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posted by tgazw @ 10:48 PM,
Reality Check

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posted by tgazw @ 9:55 PM,
The Service Was Meh

The Zagats zero in on the restaurant businesses weakest link:
Over the years that we've spent surveying hundreds of thousands of
diners, one fact becomes clear: Service is *the* weak link in the
restaurant industry. How do we know? Roughly 70% of all complaints we
receive relate to service. Collectively, complaints about food prices,
noise, crowding, smoking, and even parking make up only 30%.
The Service Was Meh
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
The Service Was Meh
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The Service Was Meh
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posted by tgazw @ 9:38 PM,
Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation

My cup of sartorial joy brims over with the discovery of Ari Cohen's blog, Advanced Style, which chronicles the style of the chicest, wackiest and best dressed of America's older generation. Here you will find inspiration from vintage style mavens, ranging from 93-year-old model Mimi Weddell, to a dude from Seattle whose fine legs are displayed in stockings and who is topped off with a blazer and cap. Then there's fabric designer Elizabeth Sweetheart, who dresses entirely in green - a different outfit every day. She was recently profiled in New York magazine where she explained the genesis of her eccentric but bizarrely successful look. "I began wearing green nail varnish and it just spread all over me."
Cohen, 27, started the blog last summer. He works in the bookstore at the New Museum but originally came from Seattle where his best friend was his grandmother. "I adored my grandparents. Older people's style has evolved and they don't mind what other people think so much. They just aren't so self-conscious." He says that when he moved to New York last May he noticed immediately how vibrant and stylish older people in the city were, and wanted to start a project to bring that into focus.
The site is gathering momentum along with a mood of greater acceptance and respect for the older practitioners of style consciousness. "People have started to notice older people more," explains Cohen. "You can learn so much from the way an old person wears a coat that they have had for ever with maybe a hat, for instance - these are the last people around who know how to dress formally and they have a confidence about them that younger people just don't have."
Recent trends spotted on the site include bright red lipstick and huge dark glasses - neither of which are age specific but do look fabulous on the denizens of Advanced Style. There's no doubt that when the fat lady finally starts singing, she will do so in Balenciaga, with a slash of red lipstick and possibly some kid gloves taken out of a closet and smelling of the lavender in which they were for decades preserved.
? Emma Soames is editor-at-large of Saga magazine.
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Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation
[Source: Mexico News]
Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation
[Source: Abc 7 News]
Emma Soames on fashion and style for the older generation
[Source: Daily News]
posted by tgazw @ 9:22 PM,
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