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The New Hampshire Formula

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I know some liberals will object, but the inclusion in a same-sex marriage bill of an explicit exception for religious organizations seems to me to be a powerful combination, which both assures civil equality and religious freedom, which seems to be the main fear of those who oppose equality. I notice too that a poll just taken in California comes to the same conclusion:

When asked, 'Do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat
oppose, or strongly oppose allowing same-sex couples to be legally
married,' 47% say favor and 48% say oppose. Support for any given
ballot measure will depend on the specific language of that measure.
For example, results show that support increases if the language
specifically includes a provision that says no clergy will be required
to perform a service that goes against their faith.

I propose that any initiative wording in a future California ballot specifically include a religious exemption. It shows we are serious about religious freedom and a church-state divide.

The New Hampshire Formula

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

The New Hampshire Formula

[Source: Cnn News]

The New Hampshire Formula

[Source: Rome News]

posted by tgazw @ 12:36 AM,


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